القائمة الرئيسية


 natural manure

Organic or natural manure is formed by the decomposition of organic matter by bacteria after collecting animal waste such as cow dung and other livestock and piling them in a clean place. (9-12 months) to ensure their decomposition and the death of weed seeds, if found in them. During this period, if possible, dry leaves of plants, especially leguminous ones, can be added to raise the percentage of nitrogen. Lime (powdered lime) can be added to kill insects and fungi and increase the proportion of calcium according to the rate of the heap, for example, a ton is added to it from 2-3 bags weighing 10 kg, sprinkled, as well as agricultural sulfur can be added to increase the reaction at the rate of a bag per ton and spray with water with each operation. The seedlings unless it is used on uncultivated land and plowed several times to ensure that it is mixed with the soil, then irrigated, then plowed again, and then is planned and planted. For year-old one-year-old seedling, an average of half a pail is 2 kg/month (when the weather is mild) with irrigation.

Organic fertilizer is used in gardening, horticulture, landscaping, and agriculture. Compost itself is useful for the land in many forms, including composting, aerating the soil, in addition to bio-humus or humic acid, or as a natural pesticide. In ecosystems, compost controls soil erosion and is useful for land reform, wetland creation, and landfill cover.

How to make natural fertilizer:

 When composting begins, the person must bring the materials he will use with it, which consists of green materials rich in nitrogen, which are usually organic materials from the kitchen except for those that contain fat, or meat; Such as vegetable and fruit peels, fruit pulp, and eggshells, in addition to barn animal dung, not a cat and dog dung, herbs, leaves, etc., and materials needed for fertilization include carbon-rich brown materials; Such as small twigs, straw, and sawdust.

Water is the final major ingredient in a good compost; In the absence of moisture, the compost will take several months without showing any results, and if the materials are dry enough, they will not decompose at all, but if the compost pile is very wet; It will smell foul, plus it will become sticky; Because the percentage of bad bacteria in it is more than good, and a person can add a bucket of water to the heap weekly when there is not enough rain, and the heat in the middle of the heap indicates that it is working well, and it is worth noting that the compost heap should be turned once a week Approximately, so that the outer layer is turned inside, and with the time the color of the heap will turn black, and it will produce an effective organic fertilizer within a period of one to two months.
