القائمة الرئيسية


 To have good health

Our best ally to stay young and healthy is on our plate. For food to keep its beneficial role on the body, it is necessary to respect a few basic rules.

1) Eat less.

2) Avoid fast sugars.

3) Decrease your consumption of fatty meats, cheese, and butter.

4) To counterbalance the excess of omega 6, provide your body with a sufficient quantity of omega 3 fatty acids

5) Prefer the intake of vegetable proteins.

6) Make fruits and vegetables the basis of your healthy diet

7) What we drink is as important as what we eat

8) Exercise regularly


If you manage to put these habits in place daily, the studies are clear: your chances of living a long, healthy, happy, and relaxed life will be greatly improved, and your chances of dying prematurely from a serious illness such as cancer or heart disease will be greatly diminished. It's up to you ;). But above all, remember: “Everything in moderation, including moderation”. If you fall off your horse, get back on the saddle right away. Many programs have been abandoned by discouraged people after a temporary failure. Get into the habit of doing small deviations. As long as you have a good diet for good health, the hard part will be done.
