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 inventions and creations

Creation and invention are two words with which we often confuse. Although very similar, these two words have different meanings that should be emphasized. Creation is an artifact created by someone. An invention is the creation of something in the mind. Works of art are always referred to as creations such as paintings or drawings. Some people are creative and who, even if they see what everyone else sees, think what no one else has thought before. They are innovators who have a new idea in mind and translate that idea into reality, the product that takes shape is called creation.

Great artists Michael Angelo and Leonardo Da Vinci created masterpieces that mesmerize people to this day. But the work of art made by them as well as all other famous artists are considered creations and not an invention because they could not be reproduced by others. Something completely new and useful to mankind, on the other hand, is considered an invention such as a steam engine, the telephone, television, or, the computer. The people who created these products can be called inventors because they turned an innovative idea into a tangible and useful thing for others.

Many believe that this world is the creation of a Supreme God. They are creationists. Everything we see around us is a creation of mankind. Many of these products and artifacts that we see and use our creations, while only some can be called inventions. Something that is presented to the world for the first time is called invention. But when it is produced commercially and becomes mainstream, it no longer surprises us and we get used to it. Mobile phones are a surprising example of when they were invented. Technology is advancing at a breakneck pace and scientists keep thinking and innovating to make things simpler, better, and more useful for us.

scientific inventions

General facts about the problems in society, where it is possible to sell, where it is possible to successfully sell, can only bring success in useful jobs for people, it is worth mentioning. The sex that happens to sex by chance.

Electricity: the most important human invention Electricity was developed in the 18th and 19th centuries by a long line of inventors and scientists who each made their contribution to modern electrical technology.

Internet: The InterNetworking Group was founded by Vinton G. Cerf in 1972, and since then it has been recognized as the birth year of the Internet. The ideas behind the Internet date back to the end of World War II...

 Wheels: Before the invention of the wheel in 3500 BC. AD, humans were limited in how much they could move on the ground and how far they could travel. Wheeled carts facilitated agriculture and trade, in addition to easing the burden of long journeys, since wheels are very important in daily life; They are found in everything from watches to vehicles and turbines.

Compass: The first compass was invented by the Chinese; And that between the 9th and 11th centuries; which was made of lodestone; A naturally magnetic iron ore, the compass allowed sailors to navigate safely away from land.

The printer: The printer was invented by the German Johann Gutenberg around 1440.

Studs: This key era dates back to the ancient Roman era, and after that became an era possible only after humans developed the ability to mold and form metals.

The Light Bulb: The path to a cost-effective, long-lasting light source begins in the early 1800s, but the major breakthrough came in 1879, thanks in large part to famed inventor Thomas A. Edison.

Computer: The first computers were developed during World War II to handle ballistic numbers and numerical analyses, but the idea of ​​having machines to calculate difficult mathematics dates back to England in the 1800s or so.

Penicillin: The invention of penicillin is credited to Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming in 1928 when he discovered that certain molds could kill bacteria.

Refrigerator: Refrigerators cool things down by taking advantage of the way materials absorb and release heat as the pressure points and phases of the substance change (usually from gas to liquid).

It is difficult to identify a single inventor of the refrigerator, as the concept was so widely known and progressed

very improved over about 200 years, some credit is given to the design of Oliver Evans' steam pressure unit in 1805.

While others consider Carl von Linde's 1876 design a true precursor to the modern refrigerator in your kitchen, dozens of inventors, including Albert Einstein, refined or improved refrigerator design over the decades.

How important are inventions in our lives?

 Inventions have changed our lives, they have revolutionized all aspects of our lives. If we look at our means of communication, we will see first that we are used to communicating with messages.

 But then he invented the telegraph which was a faster way of communication but not fast enough then he invented the telephone which made our lives easier and made it easier for us to communicate with our loved ones and communicate with someone from afar. on our side.

Now, it is possible to video chat with anyone in any part of the world, and this is all made possible by scientific inventions.

Scientists and inventors have also made great contributions to the lives of ordinary people throughout history, sometimes through ad hoc research, sometimes out of necessity, and sometimes by chance.

 An interesting fact is that war seems to quicken the pace of new inventions, as some inventions have a greater impact on the public than others, and some inventions quickly become part of everyday life.

Innovation, on the other hand, involves the use or development of an invention for a useful purpose. Innovations have often served as a springboard for new inventions. Innovation is generally less risky than an invention because it generally involves known parameters, qualities, or quantities.

The culture of invention and innovation and its positive effects:

    And the creativity of individuals is one of the most important ways to deal with the problems that they face, and thus, its contribution to the realization of the mental health of individuals and the establishment of successful interaction between them.

     Innovation is a particular way of life, in which the new individual sees in the old, and each of his days becomes a new birth, and he accepts life with its multiple situations as if he were telling it for the first time.
