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 Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso is known as a Spanish artist who rose to fame in the first half of the 20th century. And engraving, and is credited with the development of symbolism and surrealism, and his works were mainly influenced by cubism. The art and style of the famous painter Georges Braque, and what distinguishes him the most, is his search for innovative ways of representing the world, and his diversity in the use of different materials and artistic techniques. The most creative artist of all time.

The birth of Pablo Picasso:

 The artist Pablo Picasso was born in the Spanish city of Malaga on October 25, 1881. He grew up in a family of artists, as his father was a painter who saw in his son a special talent; He was his first art teacher, he took care of his talent and education, so he took him on a trip to Madrid; To see the works of the greatest artists of ancient Spain, and when he was eleven years old he began his art studies, he painted several paintings that still exist until the present time during his adolescence, including perhaps the most famous is the painting "The First Communion", which was painted in 1895.

Picasso's family moved to Barcelona in 1895, as his father obtained a new position there as an academic painter. Pablo joined the local Academy of Arts "La Lutea" in Barcelona, ​​and in two years he was able to become famous in Spain when he completed the painting "Science and Charity", and was therefore honored at the Galerie des Beaux -Madrid Arts, and in 1900 the first exhibition of his works took place in Barcelona, ​​​​When he was only nineteen, and in the same year, Picasso decided to visit Paris to see museums and art galleries, and he visited it several times until he moved there in 1904.

His professional life:

The artistic life of Pablo Picasso went through several periods, each with its own character, which is as follows:

The blue period

The blue period begins in his late teens, in 1901, and continues until 1904. During this period, darkness and sadness reign in his paintings. The suicide of his close friend "Carlos Casajemas" marked him deeply, in addition to the emotional turmoil he experienced and the financial poverty he suffered.

Picasso's paintings of this period were characterized by monochrome paintings, in which appear dark and thick lines, and dominated by different shades of blue and greenish-blue, and dominated by the character of sadness and sadness, such as symbolic paintings who appeared in both Spain and France, the most famous of which is perhaps the painting Tragedy, which appears Three very thin and surprisingly tall figures standing on a deserted beach, in addition to his self-portrait depicting him as a person much older than her actual age at the time of 20 years.

The pink period

 The Rose Period began in Picasso's life in 1904 AD and ended in 1906, and paintings from this period were notable for the use of brighter colors, such as pink, red, and brown. so this period is also called the "circus period." Because he reminds them of their alienation and initiation into art, and one of his famous paintings from this period is The Family of Saltimbanques, which he painted in 1905.

The stage of cubism

The stage of Cubism began after Picasso met the famous painter Georges Braque in 1906, where the forms of his paintings began to appear deeper and more mysterious, and his paintings turned to Cubist art, a method concerned with studying things, analyzing them, and showing them in their abstract image, and this process involves two stages: analysis and then installation, and at this stage Picasso believed that the work of art for having value is not limited to showing the image of reality only. Together with Georges Braque, he was able to develop many new artistic techniques, the most important of which is the collage technique, or the so-called collage.

In other, later periods Picasso directed during periods of his life ballet and theater productions since 1916. As for the period between the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, the classical character dominated his works and he was interested in showing the man in a neoclassical style, as he focused on the figures and gave them a unique meaning, and his paintings appeared in a conservative character associated with a social period that was common in the twenties of the last century, which was called "Return to Order". That this stage of his artistic life was clearly marked by his separation from his first wife, Olga Khokhlova, and the beginning of a new relationship with Marie-Therese Walter.

Other later periods

 Picasso directed during a period of his life ballet and theater productions since 1916. As for the period between the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, the classical character dominated his works and he was interested in showing the man in a neoclassical style, because he focused on figures and gave them a unique meaning, and his paintings appeared in a conservative character associated with a social period that was common in the twenties of the last century, which s called "Return to Order". That this stage of his artistic life was clearly marked by his separation from his first wife, Olga Khokhlova, and the beginning of a new relationship with Marie-Thérèse Walter.

Picasso's work in the field of modern cubism created a set of pictorial problems, and some new tools and methods, which lasted until the fifties of the 20th century, and after his death, he found several of his paintings in his possession. artists, such as Henri Matisse, and among the places that display Picasso's paintings are the "Picasso Museum" in Paris, which acquired the paintings after his death, and the "Picasso Museum in Malaga", which opened in 2003 in his hometown of Malaga, Spain.

Achievements of Pablo Picasso:

 After his death, Pablo Picasso left a great artistic legacy. During his lifetime, he produced 45,000 works, including 1,885 paintings, 1,228 sculptures, 7,089 drawings, 30,000 prints, 3,222 ceramic works, and left a vast collection behind. From picture books, copper plates, and textiles, and as an itinerant artist, he moved between twenty regions during the period from 1900 to 1973 AD, and through his great wealth, he may have owned two palaces and three houses, and here are some of Picasso's famous works.

- Painting of Guernica: Picasso painted Guernica in 1937 after the bombing of the village of Guernica in the Basque Country during the Spanish Civil War in 1937. It should be noted that Picasso took 6 to 7 weeks to complete it, and it is today at the Queen Sophia National Art Museum in Madrid.

- Weeping Woman: The Weeping Woman is one of Picasso's most powerful works, showing the horrors of the Civil War. Picasso painted her after Guernica the same year.

- Les Demoiselles d'Avignon: The style used in the painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon dates back to the early stages of the Cubist period, in which it relied on the embodiment of designs in geometric shapes. This painting was painted in 1907, and embodied a drawing of five young women in distorted form, challenging Picasso's interest in the dominant aesthetic image of women, and today it hangs in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

- Guitar sculpture: This geometric model was made during the Cubist era in 1912 AD, and it used unconventional artistic materials, namely: cardboard, string, strings, and painted wires, this work is on display today at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

- Three Women in Spring: The painting Three Women in Spring is characterized by its classic character. It was completed in 1921 and is now on display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

- The old guitarist: The painting The old guitarist is an example of Picasso's paintings from the blue period, which expresses human suffering.

- The old guitarist: The painting The old guitarist is an example of Picasso's paintings from the blue period, which expresses human suffering.

- Life painting: (La Vie), the life painting is one of the most important paintings that Picasso made between 1901 and 1904 AD because this short period is known as one of the best periods in the world. during which Picasso produced some of his best works, including the painting from life who painted in Barcelona, ​​this canvas is dominated by blue colors and shows a kind of depression and is a faithful representation of Picasso's mood in the time.

The legacy of Pablo Picasso:

Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous artists of the 20th century, he was confined to certain stylistic limits, like some famous artists of the time, such as Henri Matisse and Georges Braque, which made him vulnerable to criticism. and misunderstanding, but in the eighties of the last century, his paintings were appreciated and attracted attention, and had a great impact on emerging artists of the time.

His last years and his death:

Picasso limited himself to drawing portraits using cheerful colors in the last period of his life, and these works were criticized and considered weak works compared to his earlier works, but they were accepted and welcomed later, and he was also interested in renewing some famous ecclesiastical paintings in his own style, such as Paintings by Nicolas Poussin, Diego Velázquez and El Greco, and he made many ceramic and bronze statues, and he tended to stay away from fame at that time, and it is worth mentioning that in 1961 he married Jacqueline Roque, and he died of a heart attack in 1973 in the south of France,[19] He was then ninety-one years old.
