القائمة الرئيسية


 The drawing

 Drawing is a visual art of establishing a relationship on a surface, which is the expression of things primarily through lines, spots, or any tool. It is a form of visual arts (plastic arts) and one of the seven arts

The drawing may be a quick line recording of certain notes, scenes, or thoughts of a form at a particular time, and it may be preparatory work for another medium of artistic expression, but in many cases it is acts as an independent work of art by itself.

Types of drawing

The designs differ in their manifestations and purposes as well as in their types.

Within this framework, drawing can be divided into three types:

1. Simple Drawings:- These are recorded notes for a specific thing or situation that has significance at a particular time.

2. Preparatory drawings: These are preparatory drawings for another means of preparation, such as photography and sculpture.

3. Embedded Drawings: - They are considered a finished, independent and self-contained work of art

There is another classification of types of drawing, there are:

• Perspective: the art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface in a way that creates a realistic impression on the soul.

• Mechanical drawing: a drawing like an architectural drawing that allows to interpret and interpret the measurements.

• Animation: a type of cinematic scene in which drawings are put together, each slightly different from the previous drawing, and then the appropriate sounds are viewed and adapted when presented at a certain speed, so that the images appear to be moving
