القائمة الرئيسية


 class rule

I must respect this charter to benefit from good working conditions in the class and to succeed in my studies. If I do not respect this charter, I risk harming my education and that of others.

If I respect this charter, I gain the trust of adults (teachers and parents) and my classmates. I become autonomous and responsible for my actions and my mistakes. I now know what I have to do.

1. I have to do my homework and revise my lessons daily.

2. Be attentive and focused during class: Don't chat, don't make noise

3. Do not answer the teacher's questions in a group and listen carefully to the person who has the floor (student or teacher)

4. I must not leave the classroom or move without my teacher's permission

5. I have to sit properly and wear decent dress

6. Only be absent for valid reasons, arrive at school on time, stick to my schedule, and apologize if I arrive late –

7. I must respect my classmates, all teachers and school staff
