القائمة الرئيسية


 the rain prayer

A prayer when it rains to meet needs..One of the favorite times to pray is the time of rain, so we must take advantage of this time, and know the prayer of rain to fulfill needs, a prayer when it rains for livelihood, the virtue of praying when it rains.

A prayer when it rains to spend the needs

Oh God, oh dearest mentioned, and bring it forward, in glory and might, oh God, oh merciful everyone who is merciful, and terrifying everyone who is anxious, oh God, oh merciful every sad complains of his broadcast and his grief to you, oh God, the best of those who ask for favor from him and are captivated in giving, oh God, you who fear the kindling angels of light from him.

I ask You by the names by which the bearers of Your Throne and those around Your throne glorify Him out of pity from the fear of Your torment, and by the names by which Gabriel, Michael and Israfil call You, would you not answer me and remove my distress and cover my sins, O He who commands the cry in His creation (then they are watchful).

 I ask you by that name by which bones are revived while they are restored, to revive my heart, explain my chest, and correct my affairs, O He who singled himself out for survival and created for his righteousness death and life, O He who did a saying, and His saying is an order, and His command is going on as He wills.

 I ask you by the name by which your friend called you when he was thrown into the fire, and you responded to him, and said: (O fire, be cool and peace be upon Abraham) and by the name that Moses called you from the right side of the mountain, so you answered his supplication, and by the name you revealed from Job and repented to David And I mocked him for Solomon, the wind running at his command and the demons, and I taught him the logic of birds.

Oh God, do not kill us with your anger, and do not destroy us with your torment, and save us before that.

O Allah, I ask You for its good and the good of what is in it, and the good of what it was sent with, and I seek refuge in You from its evil, and the evil of what is in it, and the evil of what it was sent with.

- No god but You Glory I oppressors.

- Oh God, you are my Lord, there is no god but You, You created me and I am Your servant, and I abide by Your covenant and promise as much as I can, I acknowledge You by Your grace, and I acknowledge You for my sin, so forgive me, for I will not seek refuge from what I am doing, if I do not harm him, if he does not harm me, I will slander you. He entered Paradise - or: he was one of the people of Paradise - and if he said it in the morning, he died the same day.

- We became and become the king of God, thank God, there is no god but Allah, alone is not a partner, and praise be to him and praise be to all things. My Lord, I seek refuge in You from laziness and bad old age, my Lord, I seek refuge in You from torment in the fire and torment in the grave.

- O God, it is You we worship, and to You we pray and prostrate, and to You we seek and cherish. We hope for Your mercy and fear Your punishment. Your punishment is attached to the unbelievers.


- Oh God, I ask you wellness in this world and the Hereafter.

A prayer when it rains for sustenance

A supplication when it rains for sustenance, as sustenance is one of the things that occupies the mind of a person most, so you see him working and striving and doing his best to provide for all his needs, and he prays to God Almighty to increase and bless him. We have to resort to God Almighty by praying and seeking forgiveness in order to achieve this, and here are a set of examples from a prayer when it rains for sustenance:

O diehouses, the judge, the judge, And He created you in stages.

My God, I call upon You the supplication of the one whose poverty is severe, his strength weakened, and his tricks diminished, the supplication of the drowning, the compelled, the miserable, the poor, who finds no way to reveal what is in him of sins but You. , Hallelujah and praise, the number of his creation, and the same satisfaction, and the weight of his throne, and his words outrigger.

On the authority of Jarir, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Whoever recites (Say: He is God, the One), when he enters his house, he removes poverty from the people of that house and the neighbors.” Narrated by Al-Hakim.

 Oh God, oh God, oh God, I ask you by the right of your great right to bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and to grant me work with what you taught me of knowing your right and to simplify for me what you prohibited from your livelihood.

O God, set my face in the left, and do not give up my face by being stingy, so I seek Your sustenance from others, and I seek the sympathy of the evil of Your creation, and I am afflicted with the praise of those who gave me, and I am tempted by the slander of those who prevented me, and You are behind all of that and I have the answer and the prevention.

O God, Owner of the kingdom, You give kingship to whomever You will, and You take possession of whomever You will, You honor whomever You will, and You humiliate whomever You will, and You humiliate whomever You will, and in Your hand is goodness. You are over all things powerful. You bring the night into the day, You bring the day into the night, You bring the living out of the dead, You bring the dead out of the living, and You provide for whom You will without account, the Most Merciful of the world. The Hereafter and their Merciful Ones you give to whomever you will and withhold to whomever you will, have mercy on me with a mercy by which you will spare me the mercy of others.

O Allah, pour out upon us goodness in the morning, and do not make our living hard.

Oh God, Lord of the seven heavens, Lord of the earth, Lord of the Great Throne, our Lord and Lord of everything, break love and nuclei, and bring down the Torah, the Gospel and the Criterion, I seek refuge in You from the evil of everything, you take its forelock. There is nothing without you, spend our debt and enrich us from poverty.

 O Allah, grant me a sustenanceEndeavor, lawful and good, without toil, respond to my supplications without response, and seek refuge in You from the two scandals, poverty and debt, O Allah, O Provider of the beggar, O Most Merciful of the needy, O One with firm strength, O Best Helper, O Guardian of the Believers, O Helper of those who seek help, You we worship and You we seek help. Oh God, if my sustenance is in the sky, then send it down, and if my sustenance is in the earth, then bring it out, and if it is far away, then bring it close, and if it is near, then ease it, and if it is a lot, bless it, O Most Merciful of the merciful. The worlds, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon Muhammad and all his family and companions.

A prayer when it rains is answered

Because it considers the time of rain to be one of the times of God’s grace and mercy upon His servants, and in it there is an expansion for them with goodness and its various causes, and likewise, a supplication when it rains is a thought to answer a supplication, as it came in the hadith of Sahl bin Saad, which is narrated from the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. He, peace be upon him, said: “There are two things that are not rejected: supplication at the time of the call, and under the rain.” What is meant by supplication at the time of the call; That is, at the time of the call to prayer. As for the prayer of rain, i.e., under the rain, it is at the time of rain and when it falls. .


Rain prayer to spend the needs

Oh God, I hope for Your mercy, so do not entrust me to myself for the blink of an eye, set right all my affairs for me, there is no god but You. As we pray, O Generous God, O Possessor of vast mercy, O One who is familiar with secrets, consciences, obsessions and thoughts, nothing escapes you.

 Send down rain upon us, and make what you sent down for us strength and eloquence for a time. In addition to God, do not kill us with your anger, and do not destroy us with your torment, and save us before that, glory be to the one who praises the thunder and the angels from his fear.

Be pleased with me, O Lord, and fix all my affairs for me, and do not entrust me to myself for the blink of an eye, and grant me Your presence and generosity for me, O Generous, O Horse, O One whose treasuries do not run out.

 Grant us what our eyes acknowledge and make us need to ask others, for you are generous, generous, good-natured, at your door we stand, and for your wide and well-known generosity we are waiting, O Generous, Most Merciful.

We also supplicate, “Oh God, O extender of hands with gifts, Glory be to the One who divides livelihoods and does not forget anyone. Make my hand higher in giving and do not make my lower hand in begging. You are powerful over all things.” In addition to God, we do not have a blessing from You, there is no god but You, I ask Your forgiveness and repent to You.

The virtue of praying when it rains

At the time of rain, the gates of heaven are open, and it is one of the times that our beloved Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, urged us to pray to God Almighty during which the rain will be beneficial and we pray with whatever prayers we wish we hope to fulfill.

 Supplication is one of the most beloved acts of worship to God Almighty, and it makes the heart of the Muslim open with the remembrance of God Almighty. As supplication pays God's wrath and lifts the affliction. In addition, it is a reason to spend the supplication and a means of earning good deeds and great reward.

Prayers for needs

I ask you by every name that is yours that you named yourself with or revealed in your book. Or you taught him one of your creation, or you kept him in the knowledge of the unseen with you.

To make the Qur’an the spring of my heart, the light of my chest, the remover of my sadness and the removal of my anxiety.

I ask you for an abundance of the flood of your kindness, a handful of the light of your authority, and relief from the sea of ​​your generosity, you are in your hand the whole matter and the reins of everything.

“Oh God, subject my livelihood to me, and protect me from eagerness and fatigue in seeking it, and from being distracted by worry, and from humiliation for creation.

“We became the king and the king belongs to God, and praise be to God, there is no god but God, the only one who has no partner, to Him belongs the kingdom, and to Him is praise, and He is above all.

 O Allah, cover my faults and protect my guardians, O Allah, protect me from in front of me, from behind me, on my right, on my left, and from above me, and I seek refuge in Your greatness from being assassinated from under me.
