القائمة الرئيسية



Ahwash is one of the most famous arts of dance and singing among the Berbers in Morocco, and is of interest to adults and children, male and female. Among the attendees and the general public. Hardly any of the wedding occasions pass by the residents of these areas without organizing “Awash” parties and enlisting for it to show joy. Awash” - a real school. It is no wonder that you find an old man of high standing in society standing side by side with a young novice dancing together, simply because he transmits values ​​and cultural legacies to the back.

Ahwash” is a dance performed collectively in a special field, usually called “Asais”. The word encompasses many different types of dance and singing, including purely male, female and mixed dances. In the past, people used to perform it without any occasion, except for joy, happiness and joy. As for major social occasions, such as weddings and seasons, they are a priority. The dance is performed spontaneously and spontaneously, everything in it is innate.

Despite the variety of expressive and rhythmic forms of performance in it, the common denominator among them is that they are all occasions for poetry systems and physical expression with harmonious movement, lyrical voice, and rhythm with controlled weight, in addition to being a field of competition to show the talents of poets, especially those who are at the beginning of their artistic career.

Including what is known as “akwal”, which is a compound Berber word that suggests a large number of useful sayings “first” in which women line up while they are in the best of ornaments or in a circular circle around the men who are responsible for setting the rhythm, which in turn is performed with special tools, some of which are common with non-Amazighs. Including what is historically related to them. The main percussion instruments in “Akwal” are the “talunt” (the bendir), which is a frame of wood wrapped in animal skins that has a special rhythm, but it is not like the bendir known in the Atlas Mountains. The voice of the “Talont” Al-Bandir Amazigh is characterized by tenderness, and each lyric clip has its own rhythm, as with the beats of Al-Bandir, the catchers understand each other, and there is a need for a percussion officer similar to the head of the choir called “Amrias” (the chief), who is responsible for his delicate artistic sense and his experience in the field with controlling the rhythm and coordinating the sound movement and rhythm, then “kanka” (drum), which is known for its audible rhythm that is superior to all other rhythms.

The “Ahwash” party often begins with an introductory mawwal after each one takes his own position, and the opening is often with the basmalah and a request for God’s help and extension and good luck or begging for the saints and the righteous. The lyric link in “Ahwash” is divided into two roles, the first is called “Amjoker” which means monotonous and heavy in its words and expressive movements. With a special strike from the rhythm adjuster, “Amrias” shifts the rhythm to the second round, which differs from the first round (the heavy Amjoker) by speed in movement, succession in rhythm, and reductionism in the song’s clips. At the end of this role, the singing stops, and is replaced by the “Awad” (the flute), where the speech disappears in favor of the “Awad” tones. Rather, in some types of “Awash” there is no singing at all, but rather everything that includes the “Awwad” and rhythm and movement.
