القائمة الرئيسية


 Interview with Rachid Yazami "We need a revolution in Morocco to attract investors"

The New Development Model (NMD) has given an important place to renewable energies. Rachid Yazami, the Moroccan physical chemist, and inventor of the graphite anode for lithium-ion batteries give us his reading on the subject.

- From the beginning of the 2000s, the Kingdom experienced the launch of several programs relating to the preservation of biodiversity, water resources, and the fight against pollution and climate change. How do you assess it?

- Morocco has no hydrocarbon resources (oil and gas). Virtually all the electricity produced in Morocco at power generation stations comes mainly from coal. This means that the cost of electrical energy is relatively high for a country like Morocco. This handicaps the national economy.

- Earlier you mentioned a very important point, namely competitiveness. In this context, the NMD speaks of a strategic choice consists that of “carrying out a shock of competitiveness which is essential to create the conditions for productive transformation and to concretize the vocation of Morocco as an attractive regional hub for investments”. How do you comment on it?

- Investors are generally attracted by what is called the return on investment (difference between earnings and expenses, editor's note). If we spend less money on the energy part, we will have more benefits. We then become more competitive, because the contribution of energy in the production of a certain number of industrial products: phosphoric acid, cement, call centers, etc. requires a lot of electrical energy. If the investor pays less per kilowatt/hour, he undeniably benefits. This can affect the purchasing power of the consumer.

- The Special Commission on the Development Model (CSMD) also speaks of the need to implement a profound reform of the energy sector to take advantage of technological revolutions and develop a market open to national and foreign investment. How, in your opinion?

- I think we need a revolution instead of a reform. Mentalities in Morocco must adapt to a world that is changing very quickly. There are indeed companies at the top level, which, however, must be supported as best as possible by Moroccan public bodies. This sends a very positive signal to investors.
