القائمة الرئيسية



Introduction :

Smoking is one of the phenomena that has spread in most countries of the world, especially third world countries. The scope of this phenomenon has expanded to include millions of individuals of different social levels and ages, despite what scientists and experts confirm about the health, social and economic consequences of smoking. All of them, as (the victims of smoking are currently 5 million people!! They die annually, and death rates in China have reached one million Chinese who die annually).

Smoking origins:

Tobacco smoking is a very old habit (studies indicate that it originated in the countries of the Far East, starting with China and Mongolia, then headed west to Persia, then moved to Turkey, and also the habit of smoking was widespread among the Indian tribes).
 At the end of the last century, the psychologist Sigmund Freud was a cigar addict, which led to his infection and eradication of oral cancer. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the habit of smoking became a phenomenon approved by many countries and spread widely in our contemporary world. Cigarette smoking is currently considered an epidemic in men and then spread to women as well as young people, girls, and even children.

Cigarette installation:

As it is known to all smokers that the tobacco roll burns to the end after igniting it even if it is left unused, and the reason for this is due to the presence of metallic elements that activate the glow and combustion, (The combustion of tobacco produces ash and smoke. which burned due to the glow). The cigarette consists of nicotine, which is a very toxic compound, as it is (a semi-alkaline compound that is odorless and colorless in its pure state and its consistency is oily, but it becomes yellowish upon contact with air. % according to tobacco types) 5. So the components of a cigarette are nicotine - tar - carbon monoxide and polonium ----> a radioactive substance.

Also (includes in the composition of cigarettes: cadmium, a substance used in the manufacture of batteries, formalin, a substance used in preserving bodies, carbon monoxide, which is a poisonous gas that comes out of cars…, and carbon dioxide, which is an asphyxiating gas. Ammonia is used in the Detergent industry cloves and acetone, which is used to remove nail polish.

So the cigarette consists of almost fatal elements!! Not usable!!

Smoking types:

Smoking differs from one person to another, some of which are related to the psyche of the smoker, and some are related to his senses and nerves.

The types of smoking are:
1- Psychological smoking: It is smoking practiced by the individual to increase the self-confidence and emotional participation of the group of smokers.

2- Smoking that affects the senses: The process of smoking or some things related to smoking may stimulate some of the senses in the smoker, for example:
The smoker's nerves may calm down as soon as he lights the cigarette and puts it between the fingers or in the mouth, and some of them find pleasure in drawing the breath of the cigarette or smelling the smoke.

3- Smoking for pleasure: This type of smoking is considered one of the most prevalent types of smoking, as it is accompanied by the smoker’s enjoyment, especially in periods of rest and relaxation. The smoker's enjoyment of the cigarette may increase after eating or while drinking tea or coffee or watching movies and listening to songs.

4- Automatic smoking: the smoker lights his cigarette without thinking and sometimes he feels his second cigarette before the first is extinguished, and this smoking is a characteristic of addictive or stimulant smoking.

5- Addictive smoking: It is the most dangerous type because it is an urgent necessity for the smoker to overcome the diseases caused by stopping smoking. The symptoms of deprivation may begin to appear after extinguishing the cigarette and the smoker lights his cigarette as soon as he wakes up from sleep and continues to smoke until he falls asleep.

6-Activated smoking: Some individuals start smoking in the hope of increasing their mental ability and focus when reading, writing, or writing to overcome fatigue and the problems of daily life that a person is exposed to.

7- Soothing smoking: It is smoked to overcome psychological suffering such as anxiety, tension, and stress, and the percentage of smokers of this type is high among women and nervous individuals.

The effects of smoking on human health:
Nicotine is the main active substance in smoke, and the more the amount of nicotine increases in the blood and accumulates, it has a great effect. It has been scientifically proven that nicotine hurts all body systems!!

1- Damage to smoking on the mouth and teeth: It may cause many dental diseases and cause oral cancer.

2- Smoking damages the respiratory system: It leads to many incurable diseases and diseases that may kill a person, such as heart and arterial diseases, inflammation, and lung cancer.

3- The effects of smoking on the eyes: (Smoking may lead to inflammation of the membranes under the eyelids and has a toxic effect that may damage the visual cells inside the retina and cause conjunctivitis, eye loss of color and luster, hair loss from the eyelids and eyelids, and the occurrence of visual disturbances).

4- The effects of smoking on the digestive system: it causes nausea and vomiting

5- The effects of smoking on the nervous system: It negatively affects the brain cells, the nerve endings, and the breathing muscles in them. It also affects the skin, causing dry skin and the occurrence of wrinkles

6- Damage of smoking to the fetus: It negatively affects the fetus and works to reduce the growth of the child and reduce its weight and size and may cause fetal deformation.

Effects of smoking on the environment:

Cigarette smoke contains many chemical compounds that cause danger to the environment and humans, especially in the work environment, and the frequent inhalation of smoke from cigarettes leads to many diseases. The carbon monoxide gas emanates from the cigarette, a gas that pollutes the environment and causes countless diseases, and works to increase the rate of fires, ignitions, and disasters. It is also the cause of many fires: the cigarette! As soon as a cigarette comes in contact with any flammable surface, it will be extinguished 

Economic problems of smoking:

Estimates of global tobacco costs are more than $200 billion per year. (9) If this money wasted on tobacco became available for the world to use for good, we could double the health budgets of all developing countries.

To reduce the economic damages of tobacco, officials and decision-makers must have sufficient information to help them make appropriate decisions and the necessity of imposing taxes on those factories.

The legal ruling on smoking:

The majority of scholars are of the view that tobacco use is prohibited, because:

1- Smoking is harmful to health, and everything that is forbidden is (and do not throw yourselves into destruction with your own hands) Surah Al-Baqarah verse 195.

2- Tobacco is one of the substances that cause apathy in the body.

3- Smoking harms others, whether by smoking involuntarily (involuntarily) or with its non-medical smell (whoever believes in God does not harm his neighbor).

4- Spending on smoking is a path of extravagance and extravagance (that the wasteful were brothers to the devils) Surat Al-Isra verse 27.

5- The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, says (“There is neither harm nor harm”).

Ways to stop smoking:

1- Banning smoking in public places.
2 - The need to put laws to reduce smoking.
3- Awareness.
4- Anti-smoking clinics.
5- Behavioral therapy.
6- Chewing gum with nicotine flavor.
7- Nicotine skin patch and sublingual tablets to get rid of smoking
8- The media.

Strategies to stop smoking in public places:

1- Focusing on health education, publicity, and awareness about the harms of smoking.

2- Support for media devices.

3- Clarify and explain the matter to every citizen. Because it is difficult to pass any legislation in practice unless it clearly shows the dangers to health that result from involuntary smoking, as well as the benefits that are achieved by making the local environment clean and smoke-free.

Community programs to combat smoking:

It was noted that the number of countries that ban smoking in public places is constantly increasing, and many Arab countries acknowledge this. It will yield the following fruits:

1- Protecting adults and children from dangers to their health as a result of inhaling the smoke of others.

2- This ban will put pressure on smokers to quit smoking.

3- It helps to provide a suitable atmosphere and a pure healthy environment.

4- It encourages the expansion of the anti-smoking circle of sovereignty.

5- Confirms the view that the society that does not smoke is the natural society, which affects the prevention of young people and young people from starting to smoke.

The role of the media in combating smoking:

Many media means help in eliminating smoking and getting rid of this phenomenon. Such as printed and electronic newspapers, television and radio, and all these media have a magical effect in communicating information, guidance, and awareness. This is done through the work of educational programs and raising awareness among citizens about the dangers of smoking and clarifying and adequately explaining this phenomenon and the diseases it causes.

Elements of success in combating smoking as seen by the World Health Organization:

1- Protecting children from becoming addicted.

2- Establishing a policy that encourages the non-use of tobacco, such as imposing taxes on tobacco that increase at a rate that exceeds the increase in incomes and prices.

3- Programs for health promotion, health education, and smoking cessation. And in this, health workers and health institutions must give an example in quitting smoking.

4- Protecting citizens from forced exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.

5- Banning all economic, social, and behavioral incentives that encourage smoking or help to continue smoking.

6- Banning all direct and indirect tobacco advertisements and all promotional methods, as well as banning commercial advertising by tobacco companies.

7- Encouraging economic alternatives to tobacco cultivation and manufacturing.

8- Excessive treatment of tobacco issues with good monitoring and evaluation.

9- Imposing restrictions on tobacco products, including placing prominent warning advertisements on tobacco products.

The World Health Organization has announced that the rate of smoking in developing countries increases, in Africa 33%, Asia 23%, Latin America 24%).


The habit of smoking is a foul civilized scourge that has inflicted sickness and disease on man. It is the world’s profitable trade, but it is based on destroying life and destroying man’s mind, heart, soul, and will. The strange thing is that man accepts these poisons eagerly and longs as if he does not know that he is walking to the path of destruction.
