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 definition of bullying

 Bullying is an aggressive and undesirable phenomenon that involves the practice of violence and aggressive behavior by an individual or a group of individuals towards others, and this phenomenon is more widespread among school students, and by evaluating the status of this phenomenon, it turns out that its behaviors are characterized by repetition, meaning that it may occur more than once, as It expresses the assumption that there is an imbalance in the balance of power and authority between persons; Whereas, individuals who practice bullying resort to the use of physical force to reach their goals from other individuals, and in both cases, whether the individual is a bully or is being bullied, he is exposed to serious and permanent psychological problems.

types of bullying

 There are specific types of bullying behaviour, which include the following:

Verbal or written abuse: such as using the names or titles of individuals as jokes, or displaying offensive posters to others.

 Use of violence: also includes threats of violence.

Sexual harassment: It is considered unwelcome and very disturbing behavior, and causes fear and humiliation for the victim, and may result in a crime. Racial discrimination: It involves treating people differently according to who they are.

 Cyberbullying: using the Internet or the phone to threaten or coerce.

Causes of bullying

 People bully for several reasons, the most important of which are the following:

 Family disputes: Family disputes in the home negatively affect society, so that the bully transfers what he has experienced in his bad home environment to other people with the aim of harming them and making them feel the same bad feelings that surrounded the bully in his home.

 Jealousy: A bully deliberately hurts people when he turns his attention and love to another person in order to prove himself.

Inability to form friendships: friendship contributes to reducing bullying in society, as most bullies do not have strong friendships

Effects of bullying on children

 Many believe that bullying contributes to strengthening children psychologically, and giving them the ability to persevere strongly in difficult situations in which they can go through, but this thought is wrong, as bullying has many negative effects on children that can harm their health and safety, and the effects of bullying on children can be clarified. Through the following points:

 Effects of bullying on children

Those who are subjected to bullying: where it becomes clear as follows: increased psychological harm, and a feeling of depression that can lead a child to commit suicide. Low self-esteem. Autism and isolation from society. impact on academic achievement; This is because the child hates the school in which he is bullied, and he may even want to leave school permanently.

Effects of bullying on children who witness bullying without being exposed to it: These effects are evident through the following: Feeling helpless because of their inability to help the victim. Feeling of constant fear of the bully.

 The effects of bullying on bullying children: These effects are evident through the following: Engaging in criminal behaviors in adulthood. Abuse their families and children in the future.

How to deal with bullying

 When witnessing bullying situations, people should avoid laughing; Because this will make the bully feel more powerful to continue what he started, as the person who supports the bully gives him an opportunity to annoy people more, and the person who witnessed the bullying should move away from the situation and seek help immediately.
