القائمة الرئيسية


 Documentary file

 Define the documentary file

We limit ourselves to the following three definitions:

Documentary file: a set of documents related to a specific body of knowledge.

Documentary file: a record that includes between its two covers a group of documents research, whether they are written in paper or digital, or they are audio, visual, audio-visual, or multimedia documents

Documentary file The process of compiling and classifying a set of documents related to the objective to be collected.

     And through these definitions, we propose the immediate synthetic definition, so we say:

Documentary file: a record that includes a set of documents with a knowledge base, collected and classified according to the goal to be achieved, whether the origin of written documents, paper or digital, or audio, visual, audio-visual, or multimedia documents

Illustrative example

 We want to complete a documentary file on the extent of the correctness of Spain’s use of chemical weapons against the resistance of Abd al-Karim al-Khattabi in the Rif War. To carry out this work requires the collection of various historical documents dated for the mentioned period, written and photographed, and oral testimonies, and a classification of the types of pathological injuries to the inhabitants of the region who were treated in Tangiers when It was an international area by looking at the hospital records or the writings and testimonies of doctors, then we would classify them according to the definiteness of their evidence or suspicion, or doubt, and the definitiveness of their evidence or presumption, and thus we are a file through which we can judge the issue positively or negatively.

Documentary file types

 The documentary file varies according to the different collected documents under study and analysis in terms of their knowledge and technical load and the fields to which they belong:

It varies from shape to

1. Readable written documentary file

2. Audio Documentary File

3. Visual Documentary File

4. Documentary audio-visual file

5. Multimedia Documentary File

It varies in terms of its cognitive load into many areas, including:

· File Forensic Documents

· File historical documents

· Social Documents Profile

· Scientific Documents File

Its objectives:

1. Provide clear perceptions about individuals, groups, places, time periods, incidents or phenomena

2. Controlling historical and social events as they occurred and trying to explain them scientifically

3. Reconsidering many attitudes towards countries, people or institutions after the emergence of documentary files related to the topic in question
