القائمة الرئيسية


 science and technology

Science and technology are ubiquitous in the environment around us, in the objects we use every day, but also in all spheres of human activity. The science and technology program brings together notions of five different sciences (chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy, geology) as well as various fields of technological applications.

Science is the field consisting of structured knowledge obtained through objective observation and experimentation.

Technology is the set of techniques, instruments, systems and, materials invented and used by humans.

What technology?

Technology is the study of tools and techniques. The term refers to observations on the state of the art atof various historical periods, in terms of tools and know-how. It includes arts, crafts, trades, applied sciences, and possibly knowledge.

What is the role of technology?

Technology can be used for different purposes: to facilitate communication between actors, to circulate information useful for economic activities in rural areas, to improve existing services, or to create new ones.


Benefits of technology

Technology has many advantages. It simplifies everyday life. Take the example of a washing machine. It is hard to imagine nowadays how people went about washing their clothes before their invention. But, it was hard work! Almost every popular technology ranging from the phone to the car has the end goal of reducing human effort.

A second advantage is communication and mobility. Modern communication systems have drastically reduced the communication time between two people. Today, communication between different countries is almost instantaneous. This greatly helps the development of a true global village. Travel time is also significantly reduced. Today we can taste the fresh fruits and vegetables that only yesterday was found in their orchards on the other side of the world.

Global tourism has grown accordingly. Technology has also increased the productivity of almost every industry in the world. We produce more, using fewer resources and for more people.

Disadvantages and risks of technology

But, nothing comes for free. Technology has drawbacks that can no longer be ignored. Many technologies pollute the environment in one way or another. The car produces its share of CO2; the computer is difficult to recycle, and industry pollutes nature. In addition, we have become very dependent on technology, to the point where we cannot do without it.

More work done by machines means less work for men. Humans are becoming more and more obsolete.
