القائمة الرئيسية


 Soil types in the world

the soil

Soil is defined as a mixture of minerals, living and dead organisms (organic matter), air, and water. The components of this mixture interact with each other in multiple ways, and this makes soil one of the most dynamic and important natural resources for the planet; Because it is renewable, but slowly, which may reach hundreds of years

Each person looks at soil according to his use of it, the engineer looks at it as a material on which the infrastructure is built, while the diplomat may refer to the soil as the lands of the state, and from the point of view of the soil scientist, the soil is: the mineral surface (and/or) the organic layer of the earth that have been subjected to a certain degree of physical, biological, and chemical weathering

Soil types in the world

There are 3 main types of soil in the world: clay soil, sandy soil, and yellow soil.

 sandy soil

Sandy soils are light soils that are warm and dry. They tend to be acidic and low in nutrients. Sandy soils are often known as light soils; Due to the high proportion of sand in it, and the lack of clay, although clay weighs more than sand

Sandy soil drains water quickly, that is, it has high permeability, is easy to handle, and its temperature increases in spring faster than clay soil, but it tends to dry out in summer, and suffers from low nutrients washed away by rain.

Sandy soil is described as one of the poorest types of soil for plant cultivation, as it is difficult for the roots of the plant to absorb water due to the high permeability and lack of nutrients in it, but it is very good for the sewage system, and sandy soil is usually formed by the collapse or fragmentation of rocks, such as: granite, stone limestone, and quartz;

To improve sandy soils: Organic matter can be added to give plants an extra boost of nutrients, further increasing their water-holding capacity.

clay soil

Clay soil: It is heavy soil, which benefits from high nutrients. Clay soil remains wet and cool in winter and dries up in summer. This soil consists of more than 25% of clay. Because of the spaces between clay particles, clay soil contains a large amount of water. This means that it has low permeability.

Clay soils are tested by farmers; Because they drain slowly and take longer to get hotter in the summer, to dry out and crack.

silt soil

Alluvium soil mainly contains medium-sized particles that retain moisture inside, has high fertility, and can be easily compacted due to its fineness of grain.

Silt is easily transported by moving currents, and is found mainly near rivers, lakes, and other water bodies. Silt soil is used in agricultural work to improve soil fertility, as it is one of the most fertile types, and organic matter can be added to the soil; To bind silt particles into more stable lumps.

peat soil

Peat soil is soil that is rich in organic matter and retains a large amount of moisture. This type of soil is rarely found in the garden, and is often added to gardens to provide an ideal soil base for planting.

chalk soil

Chalk soil can be light or heavy, but it is always highly alkaline due to calcium carbonate or lime within its structure; For this reason, this soil cannot support heather plants, which require acidic soils to grow

loamy soil

Loamy soil: It is a mixture of sand, silt, and clay that is combined together to avoid the negative effects of each type. This soil is fertile and easy to deal with, and the water drains well depending on its dominant composition. It can be either loess sand or loamy clay, and it is considered This soil is the type most preferred by farmers; Because it represents an ideal balance of soil particles, it can be strengthened if more organic matter is added to it.
